500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips Overview

When you think about poker or blackjack, what are the first things that come to mind? When you are thinking about Paulson poker chips, you will realize that they have stood in as the top dog on the poker table for many years. The name of the only drawback is that they are on the lower end of the scale in terms of cost. However, that is not the case for the 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips. Paulson has made the longtime famous Claimed hands, the Ace King, Ace Queen, and the King Ace. In addition, these have the standard white chips with the blue and red measurable across the entire face.

500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips are the chips that started it all. In fact, fans of the Syndicate became the targets of thieves who would steal the one chip ledgers that were valuable when money wasn’t being wagered. The face on the 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips has had its designs changed to avoid damage from markers or even sharp weapons. Even the name has had its variants, such as the Paulson Tophat Clay Poker Chips and the Paulson Paulson Poker Chips. This name is thought to be derived from the fact that the hands are akin to a poker hand.

There are many things that make the 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips stand out from the rest. The first is the weight of the chips. These are not the light weight plastic chips many are used to make wagers at the casinos. These are the heavy weighed, casino quality chips. Another reason the 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips are considered to be the best is the amount of satisfaction they give the users.

When you use them themselves, they become quiteicult to handle and can be difficult to move, and this leads to much dissection and arguments between those who use them and those who don’t. They can be difficult to pull apart and set in place when you wish to store them, and they are not the kind of tools you want to set out in a display case for everyone to admire and respect. The Looks are ofcourse a factor, but if there is no room for the chips in the home, they can look rather awkward and out of place on the store shelf.

The 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips are 220 gredge thermo plastic chips, but the real beauty lies in the fact that they are made of what is referred to as “machine felt”. This is the same material the casinos use and the poker chips are made of it. Also, the final polish is the chills on the chips which allows them to remain attractive for years to come.

Of course, the money saved or profit gained by the casinos due to the popularity of the plastic chips and felt material is envied by many. Some casinos offer full retailers of the 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips and they are extremely profitable. However, if you are looking to invest your money in a larger scale, and you have the funds to spend, these are the perfect chips to invest in.

2500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips are produced to the highest standards of usability and durability. They are sold to the casinos who use them for their poker tables. However, if you are lucky enough to purchase your 500 Tophat and Clay Paulson Poker Chips in a retail store, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1 per chip to around $1.50 per chip. This is a great investment especially if you are going to purchase more of them, thereby increasing your profit margin.

You can also expect to pay more for the white chips as they are more expensive. However, the vice is that you can not purchase less if you want them to last longer. If you want to own a poker chip collection, it is important to pay for it. Every thing you can do to maintain the value of your chips will help increase your chance of selling them on a longterm basis. A chip that is 4 or 5 years old can still be profitable, so no pressure is on you to spend money on new supplies when the time comes.

When you gamble online, you can expect your online experience to be nothing short of thrilling. When looking for an awesome poker chip collection, you should go with something that withstands wear and tear. You can go with the 500 Tophat And Clay Paulson Pokerace99 Chips because they are among the most popular in the market. They are designed in such a way that they are tough, and not slippery like the 600 or so metal-based chips available. These give the feel of actual poker chips instead of the plastic, rice paper and aquarium type chips.

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